Archives: Course Modules
Slam Bidding Intro
Welcome to this course on Slam Bidding!
Inverted Minors
The modern way to raise a minor suit.
Last Train
Last Train is a very useful addition to your slam toolkit.
Non-Serious 3NT
Non-Serious 3NT is a very useful tool to have in your slam-bidding arsenal.
RKB With Voids
Dealing with voids adds another layer of complication to Roman Keycard Blackwood.
Splinters are an essential tool for slam exploration.
Jacoby 2NT
A great slam tool for setting trumps and identifying shortness is Jacoby 2NT.
Evaluating Shortness
Showing and evaluating shortness is the key to finding light slams.
Control Bidding II: 1-5 evaluation
Control bidding can also be used to convey the quality of your hand.